HealthPark Medical Library
Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Lee Memorial Medical Library
Thursday: Closed
Cape Coral Medical Library
Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Gulf Coast Medical Library
Thursday: 7:30 am - 3:15 pm

The Real-World Economic and Clinical Management of Adult Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTIs) with Oritavancin: Data from Two Multicenter Observational Cohort Studies

Estrada, S., Lodise, T. P., Tillotson, G. S., & Delaportas, D. (2020). The Real-World Economic and Clinical Management of Adult Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTIs) with Oritavancin: Data from Two Multicenter Observational Cohort Studies. Drugs - Real World Outcomes, 7(Suppl 1), 6–12.
